Giant Portraits

Upon deciding to take full advantage of my school’s unlimited black and white printing, I first blew up a photo to 10’ x 6.5’, then pulled it into Photoshop and divided it into 8.5” x 11” sections. This first project ended up being 95 sheets of printer paper that I displayed in my dorm room at the time.

giant photo giant photo

A similar piece was displayed in the mid-year student art show. For the end-of-year student art show I decided to go even bigger. I illustrated a portrait of myself and followed the same process, except this time the piece ended up being 323 sheets of paper, or 12’ x 17.5’. I was on a lift for a full day hanging it up. For comparison, you can see some normal artwork at the bottom of the second photo.

giant portrait giant portrait

Written on November 29, 2014